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A Guide to Gifting a Bookworm

Ugh, I wrote out a huge portion of this, but there was some sort of glitch, so here I am, writing it all out again. But it's cool. I'm getting to improve my typing skills, I guess. On to the post.

Gifts. Who doesn't like them? At the end of the day, it's not really about the thing itself, but the person giving it to you. So, super sweet! However, I'm sure you've been confused about what to get a someone at least once. I know I have, plenty of times. So I thought I'd help you guys out, and write this post!

However, since I'm a bookworm, this list is somewhat fitted for a book lover. But I'll try my best to keep most of them as neutral as possible, to be bought for a variety of people, even those who detest books. 

Anyways, let's get on with the list!

1. Books: Yeah, I started with the obvious. You can never have too many books. However, though this one is very common, there are some drawbacks, unfortunately. Firstly, you might not know what kind of book a person likes. This one is a bit easy to overcome, as you can nonchalantly ask someone their favorite genres. You can use websites like . Other problem- the person might've read that book. Or, if not, someone else might be giving it to them. That creates problems, as you can't be a 100% sure without blatantly asking the person and telling everyone else to not gift it. So yeah. Not saying books aren't a good option - they're amazing - just that they might be a bit risky. 

2. Kindle: I haven't ever owned or used a Kindle, but I've heard that they're super cool! I mean, come on, it's basically a library inside a device that can easily fit into your bag! They also have super cool features. Cons- a) they fall a bit more on the expensive side. If you can still manage it, that's great! But don't feel pressurized! Money isn't important when it comes to heart-felt gifts! Con b) not everyone likes e-books. But if the person you have in mind likes them, and you can easily afford them, go for it!

3. Gift vouchers: Some bookstores have gift vouchers or cards, so the person can buy books according to their own desire! The thing about this, though, is not all bookshops have this system. Also, the amount you paid for will be visible on the card/voucher, and a lot of people find that uncomfortable. If these aren't issues, that's great!

4. Merch: A lot of people who like books are part of fandoms (in case you don't know what that it, you can read my post with my opinions here). Many of these fandoms have merchandise, which are awesome! I know I keep pointing out the drawbacks, but I just want you to be prepared! Anyways, official merch isn't available everywhere or for every fandom, and if they are, they're usually pretty costly. Again, otherwise I can't really think of anything wrong. But, I do have a solution for you, which is …

5. …Craft/Artwork: You can make crafts related to the fandom (eg. a Hogwarts letter), or maybe do some artwork, like fanart of characters, or maybe a cool quote. This is a great option if you have a creative mind! There aren't any definite issues with this, since you're basically creating it, so yeah! All you need is to think outside the box!

6. Music: Speaking of creative, if the person likes listening to music while reading, you can make them a playlist! Playlists, in my opinion, are kind of annoying to make, so I have a feeling they'd appreciate it! If you can sing and/or play any instrument, try recording them a cover or some original music even! Again, this is completely your creation, and the only problem is some people prefer not to listen to music while reading. 

7. Book accessories: These are things you might need while reading. This can include a lamp, torch, candles, bookmarks, comfy cushions, cups of coffee and tea; the list is endless! I remember seeing a strange sort of screen, I think, which you could place on top of your page, and turn on the button and get some nighttime reading done!

So I hope that helped give some sort of inspiration! Like mentioned, this list is pretty much endless. These are just some ideas. That's all for now. If you're a bookworm, would you like any of these? Are any of you planning on getting someone something from this list? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading, and I'll hopefully see you all next time!  

Note: Not sponsored and just my opinions


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