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Is no news good news?

Hello.  Long time no see. Is that good? According to the expression, "no news is good news," it is, but who knows.  Anyways. I opened that blog during the middle of the pandemic, way back in June 2020. Over the years, I've met people and had a safe space on the internet where I could ramble about my interests.  But I guess over time, I kind of outgrew this blog. I didn't feel like writing anything. Sure, I had board exams. That took up a lot of time. It's not like I did much writing anyway. But I think if I really wanted to, I still would've written something.  So I decided to create a new one, a place where I could share spilled ink scribbles - random thoughts and anecdotes of no real importance, written just because I can.  So here we are. I hope you will support me on my journey. Just because I'm leaving this blog doesn't mean I won't miss it; I have many fond memories in this little corner of the internet.  Thank you so much for being here. I r
Recent posts

Goodbye 2022

  I don't know about you, but I feel like 2022 was both miserable and magical (see what I did there?). Which is okay. If you've made it through the year, congratulations! I'm proud of you, and you should be, too.  Personally, 2022 felt like it lasted a very short time, but when I look back at January of the year, I can hardly believe it's the same year. I was still doing mostly online classes, and most of the books I read during that time were way better than what I finished with. How is it that Turning Red came out this year? It's kind of crazy, actually, how so much can happen in just 365 days. I got to see some family members after a really long time, made new friends, watched weird movies and shows, memorized the lyrics to a bunch of different songs, and visited some really interesting places.  (I sort of want to write an entire series of posts breaking down every thing I did or saw this year now, but no promises. We'll see if I have the time and motivation

Welcome to the Grishaverse

F rankly, I'm scared of writing this. Just a little bit.  Hello everyone! I know I disappeared for a while. School started, and since it's my last year before my first proper board exam, there's been a lot of pressure. Today I remembered that I had this sitting around in my drafts, so I thought I might as well finish it, in honor of the sneak peak of Shadow And Bone season 2.  Originally, I had ranted about my braces and the fact that people don't read Leigh Bardugo's books despite the fact that they're so famous, but I think I'll cut that bit off 'cause it's kinda irrelevant now. I did get my cousin into reading it, so I call it a win.  Let's divide it according to series (Note- I haven't read the short stories): Shadow and Bone Trilogy Shadow and Bone Siege and Storm Ruin and Rising This was the first trilogy set in the Grishaverse, and if I'm being honest, it's very basic YA fantasy. Alina, our main character, a normal orphan grow

The Night Circus • Review • Erin Morgenstern

  I have to admit, I read a lot this summer. Not sure if 'summer' is the right word for it though- I technically didn't have school since the end of March. Insane, huh? But I had exams, then a surprisingly long vacation- a vacation that has now been extended, so I have more time for books and other fun stuff.  Well, with all that being said, let's talk about The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Funny story, I'd actually planned to buy this book like a year ago. But the bookshop I was ordering from ran out of copies, and I'd ended up buying something else. And then I completely forgot about it. A few weeks ago, I was at the same book store, and saw they restocked it. I decided to get the book this time, because why not.  Here's a bit of the plot if you want to seeing if it piques your interest:  The Night Circus arrives without warning. Like, seriously. One day, there's nothing, and the next, you see a bunch of black and white tents, and a sign announci

Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History

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Review - The Midnight Library - Matt Haig

  Hi hi hi! I know I haven't posted anything recently, and part of the reason is that I had exams. Like, a LOT of them. It was annoying, but at least now they're over! This non-exam period won't last long, but what's life if not an exam?  Anyways, I did a little bit of reading, and today's review will be of Matt Haig's The Midnight Library . I'd seen a lot of people talk about it, and the concept seemed cool enough, so why not check it out?  Trigger Warning: The book (and this review) contains suicide, suicidal thoughts, depression. I think it's best if you search up trigger and content warnings for the book.  Here's the plot: Nora Seed's life is filled with regrets. There were always so many things she could've done, but she made the wrong decisions. She therefore decides to put herself out of her misery, and commit suicide. And she does do that, except she ends up in this library. Nora's stuck in the stage between life and death. All

Crimes Committed by Readers

  Hello! Today's post is something I'm very excited for, as it's a quiz! I've done quizzes before, like the book addict one and fandom one. Check them out if you're interested! If you're here, there's a very, very high chance that you've read at least one book in your life, even if it was for school. Now, a lot of readers have committed crimes against their books. This highly hurts the class of people called the 'Book Protection Squad'. Let's see if you guys did any of this.  Rules: Add the numbers for the ones you've done, and then check for the grading system at the bottom. Good luck! Quiz!: 1. Spilled something on it (+1 point) 2. Torn a page (+1 point) 3. Dog-eared a page (+1 point) 4. Folded a page (kind of similar, but still) (+1 point) 5. Scribbled directly on the book, with a pen/marker (+2 points) 6. Scribbled directly on the book with a pencil (+1 point) 7. Thrown a book very hard (I don't care if the book made you wanted to